
During the 2019 ./2020 season, the farm starts a collaboration with the store network CITRO, where fresh salads in packaging and greenery are marketed. In cooperation with the Rural Support Service, the farm’s apple orchards, sandthorn and bromcidonia gardens are expanded, a new greenhouse of 200 m2 is constructed, helping to ensure a more favourable growth environment for plants.

2018./2019. a new greenhouse of 200 m2 is constructed, helping to ensure a more favourable growth environment for plants. During the 2018/2019 season, several types of juices are developed that are packaged in BAG IN BOX packaging, as well as glass bottles, syrups are starting to be produced.

2017. The farm starts to reprofile from fruit and vegetable growers to a farm that handles processing fruit and vegetables. We start offering customers salads and a variety of greens – dill, parsley, celery, in packaging.